A mix of old renders, weird experiments, and some models that should’ve probably stayed buried in forgotten folders. Not much here yet, but I’m working on it. Consider this a placeholder for cooler things to come.

Saying I do “3D animations” is a bit of a strech, but it’s 3D and it’s moving i.e. animation (?). Whichever is the case, having had the pleasure to work with Blender 3D, I couldn’t resist to make videos from it – here are some!

3D renders and work-in-progress from the older times. It’s about time to get back into it and create some new 3D things!

CAD? What is this?! Well I didn’t know anything about it when creating these icons. Yes, I used a CAD program to create it for the tool was simple and convenient enough to make these sort of icons easy! If the medium makes it smooth, I’ll use it to create!